Engineering Radio

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Engineering Radio
  1. Slightly off-topic, but includes radio. The antennas are the most interesting aspect of Radio Frequency Engineering to me. The transfer of power in the form of voltage and current to the magnetosphere and back again is where the rubber meets the road. Any opportunity to experiment with the art of antenna design and fabrication is … Continue reading Weak Signal Propagation Reporter
  2. This Broadcast Electronics FM3.5A is 40 years old. There was a small problem that took the station off the air for a couple of hours this morning. The high voltage shorting solenoid fell apart, causing the 40 amp breaker in the service panel to trip. These types of failures will become more frequent as the … Continue reading How long should a transmitter last?
  3. This is another SAS console installation for WHUD licensed to Peekskill, NY.
  4. The largest problem facing analog AM broadcasting (and digital Medium Frequency and High Frequency broadcasting) is RF Noise. Like most people, I have many modern conveniences that make my life easier than previous generations; electric lights, central heat and air conditioning, appliances like vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, and whatnot. I enjoy the wireless internet, have … Continue reading I Audited the RF Noise in my House
  5. I found a great resource for learning about test and measurement on Rohde Schwarz’s YouTube channel. Each video is about 5 to 15 minutes long and covers the basics of RF test equipment, measurement parameters, and definitions. Rohde Schwarz Test and Measurement Fundamentals Measuring RF systems is an important part of Broadcast Engineering. Many folks … Continue reading Rohde Schwarz Test & Measurement Fundamentals